Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

BookMaker takes the privacy of all customers very seriously and collects personal information only for the purpose of providing the best player experience possible.

Many clients choose BookMaker because they demand the highest standards in privacy and confidentiality. Whether you are in business, politics, professional sports, or the film industry, it is our professional obligation to keep your financial and personal affairs strictly private.

There will never be selling or trading of your information to government agencies, companies, or any other third parties. This includes all financial information, betting history, mailing address, email, and phone numbers.

Please read this Privacy Policy carefully so you understand the practices relating to information gathered through the website.


Account Security

All of your financial details, wagering history and personal information is held on secure databases under the complete control of BookMaker.

Access to your account is protected by your unique account number and password. All customers are also issued a personal PIN Code. For any dealings over Live Chat your PIN Code is used to identify yourself as an added layer of security.

Customer details are stored and managed under the strictest supervision.

BookMaker keeps records available upon request for every transaction and wager made for a period of no less than 90 days. You are welcome to contact the customer solutions team at any time to request your account history.


Collection of Personal Information

When first signing up, there are certain details required to create your account. Further verification may be requested at different times for security reasons.

The following are the types of details you may be asked to provide (as well as copies of supporting documentation) at some point:

  • Name
  • Physical and/or billing address
  • Credit card number or bank account number
  • Phone or fax number
  • Email address
  • Date of birth
  • Social Security Number
  • Driver's license number

BookMaker guarantees these details are secure and completely private. This information will never be shared with any third parties.

Please be sure to always provide accurate details and clear copies of your documents when requested, as this will help ensure deposits and withdrawals on your account can be made quickly and easily.


Protecting the Privacy of Children

BookMaker does not market to children under the age of 18, or to anyone under the legal age in their jurisdiction (if other than 18). Anyone who is underage will not be allowed to join the site.

International law is very complex, and BookMaker is not in a position to provide details on the specific laws that may apply where you live. BookMaker operates under strict compliance with all local laws, and urges you to access the site only if you feel that you are in compliance with yours.

If you're under the legal age for your state, province, country, etc. please wait until the time you are of legal age and you will be welcome to join BookMaker.



If you provide your email address to BookMaker, from time to time you may be sent emails about new products and services, or offers that may interest you.

Though you should find this information useful, if you do not wish to receive such communications you can opt-out at any time by hitting the “unsubscribe” button at the bottom of any of the marketing emails you receive.


Tracking Data

BookMaker keeps records of players’ behavior as they navigate through the website. This type of tracking is completely anonymous and used only to analyze the player journey. For example, the collection of data on which pages players are visiting and which areas of the site they spend the most time on.

In addition, BookMaker collects IP addresses, operating system details and web browser information. And, we also keep track of how players are finding us, so we can know what drives traffic to our site. All of these things are used for the sole purpose of optimizing our site and improving the overall player experience at BookMaker. This information is accessible only to a dedicated team in the company and will never be shared with, or accessed by, any third parties.


Information Collected by Third Parties

Within the website, you can find links to other sites which are neither owned nor controlled by BookMaker. Whenever you access one of these sites through BookMaker, keep in mind that these sites have their own privacy policies completely separate from the BookMaker policies.

Any information you provide to these sites is governed entirely by their privacy policies.

If you can't find the privacy policy of any of the provider partners via a link, either from the site's page or from the pages on which the products or services are offered, you should contact the provider directly for more information.


Questions or Complaints

If you have any questions or complaints about this Privacy Policy, please contact the Customer Solutions team through Live Chat or email Representatives will be happy to respond to your inquiries or help resolve any dispute concerning this policy.








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